What do terrorists and judgemental Christians have in common, and how can we avoid either title and become radical like Jesus?

When I was a young preacher, I thought it would be a great sermon topic to give my young adults a series of biblical insights entitled, “Jesus, the only real radical.” I got a phone call from one of my church leaders after he saw the bulletin announcement for the coming series.

“Pastor” . . . (pause)

I knew something was up, because I have one of those names that nobody forgets. After about 20 minutes of my trying to listen and respond, I realised that the sermon series might seem a bit aggressive, or at least I had better change the series title. But the more I read the Bible, the more I am convinced about the appropriateness of the title describing the nature of the message of the Gospel.

What do you stand for?

It’s said that when Henry Ward Beecher, an early American Congregationalist clergyman, was a boy, he had a teacher at school who asked one of the boys in class a question that the boy answered. The teacher became angry and told the boy he was wrong and commanded him to “Sit down!” The boy was obviously confused because he’d thought he’d answered correctly, but he sat down abruptly.

Several other boys were asked the same question. They gave the same answer and were promptly rebuked by their teacher. Finally, Beecher was asked to stand and answer the question. He gave the same answer and was commanded to “Sit down!” But Beecher held his ground and insisted that the answer was correct.

For a few moments, the teacher stormed at him, but seeing Beecher wasn’t going to give up, he smiled and said, “Well, boys, you were all correct, but Beecher was the only one sure enough to stand up for it.”

Many people have lost their faith in Christ because they simply lacked the courage to stand up for what they believed. They had grown so used to apologising for their faith that once someone mounted a serious challenge to that faith, they just gave up and sat down.

What kind of radical are you?

Radicals, if they really are genuinely radical, have a common thread—they actually believe their commitments. This leads to both inspiration for some and isolation for others, but almost always moves to action of some kind. Let me illustrate.

  • The terrorists who destroy, maim and kill others —they believe so strongly that not only would they die for what they believe, they will kill for it too. This kind of radical is obvious. The Bible says, “Don’t cast pearls before these kind of people.”
  • There are the faithful Christians who deeply believe that commitment always leads to strong actions, so as part of their response to the message of God, they correct others. They then judge others, they criticise others’ personal expressions of faith, and challenge opposite or questioning beliefs. Christian radicals in a way are equally as terrifying as those terrorists that fill the nightly news.

So what do we do with this Jesus, the radical, the revolutionary? Does commitment to Jesus encourage the negatives we too often see in God’s people?

What does the research say?

Our research on the attitudes of young people in the church over the past 20 years has taught us something about this. In a short paragraph, here it is. In our three major studies on youth in the church called Valuegenesis I, II and III, along with other major research on generational faith such as the Study of Generations research, all establish the following facts.

If a parent, teacher, pastor, or adult—basically your and my church—uses excessive control, uses punitive measures or is over-strict, the likelihood is greater that their youth will:

  • Reject traditional moral standards.
  • Become involved in rebellious behaviour.
  • Reject the faith of the church.
  • Become more self-oriented.

The data on this are conclusive. Being exposed to these kinds of attitudes, no matter how strongly they are held or believed, tends to move young people to become moral rebels, rejecting the very values that those same churches are trying to impose on them.

But the research also has a bright side. Radical commitment to Christ and His love for us, His life, His promises, His empowerment, His forgiveness, all have positive results. This positive radicalism builds churches, increases personal self-esteem, increases caring for others and even assists in one’s academic success.

Jesus’ message was radical.

Look at what Jesus proposed. There was one major theme of Jesus’ ministry that went beyond anything any other rabbi taught and was entirely unique to Him. Not only was it radical, it also was central to His lifestyle, His teaching about the Kingdom of God, and His mission as the Messiah. It is the following:

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbour and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous” (Matthew 5:43-45).

This is probably the most difficult command Jesus ever gave, and even for us today it might seem impossible. But this one teaching guides our attitudes toward others, toward those that don’t think the same way we do, that disagree violently or calmly, that have drawn other conclusions than we have, or have a model of religion or following God that is uncomfortable to us or completely opposite of our own conclusions.

This is a call for radical love, for radical commitment, all because that is the way God is, according to Matthew 5. And to feel comfortable about using God as your model as seen in the life and ministry of Jesus is about as radical and revolutionary as anything the world has seen today.

Trying to find the actual Jesus is like trying, in atomic physics, to locate a submicroscopic particle and determine its charge. The particle cannot be seen directly, but on a photographic plate we see the lines left by the trajectories of larger particles it put in motion. By tracing these trajectories back to their common origin, and by calculating the force necessary to make the particles move as they did, we can locate and describe the invisible cause.

Admittedly, history is more complex than physics; the lines connecting the original figure to the developed legends cannot be traced with mathematical accuracy; the intervention of unknown factors has to be allowed for. Consequently, results can never claim more than probability; but “probability,” as Bishop Butler said, “is the very guide of life” (Morton Smith, Jesus the Magician).

How do you see Jesus? Do you think you could be radical like Him?


  1. Murray Hunter said:

    A balanced, brave article.
    Articles such as ‘What Does It Mean To Be Radical’ continue to challenge status quo thinking, it’s a challenge to dull living.
    We live in a culture that’s juxtaposed and hostile to the message of Jesus.
    We should not back away or be timid when choosing to be a devoted follower of Jesus. We live in a society that demands we be strong and courageous in order to ‘fight the good fight of faith…’.
    The Lord continues to lead us forward, at times the road ahead is, and will continue to be, difficult and hard.
    Bailey reminds us that they is little value in looking back at the easier and less complicated times of life and longing for them – life is a journey and the Lord calls us to action and He will be with us as we tread the well worn path.
    Bailey Gillespie continues to search and evaluate ultimatums.

    • Comfortbliss Ezeji replied:

      Please pardon me. I know this article is written 2016 but I come across it today 4/11/2020. I was looking for the meaning of gospel radical this article’s pops out. Thank you for the deep meaning you explained regarding this article. I need help to develop the Christ like radical ways. I want to be radical. Help me. May God touch you to get in touch with me. Thanks a lot.
      Comfortbliss Ezeji

  2. Being radical is not easy. It is also not new. The early Adventist were seen as radical in that they were willing to be led by God who taught them to think for themselves. So the question is asked: How do I see Jesus? and Do I think I could be radical like Him?

    My answer is that I see a God who was willing to go against the norms of the day. Who despite what would be expected gave His life for me because of his love for me. This went against what we think of God as being hateful of me. So he was radical. He was willing to stand up for those who did not have a voice. Who felt ashamed, who were judged by behaviour rather than by their love for God. He did not fit with the religious ideals of the time. A God who put aside His Lordship and took on humanity and who gave his life for me. Who took on the role of a servant through he did not have to but because of his love for me. Jesus went beyond what was needed and put the Gospel in a way that was upside down to what the leaders of the day thought.

    4 But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5 made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions—it is by grace you have been saved. 6 And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, 7 in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. 10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:4-10

    • Anna V Hill replied:

      Thank you so much Liz for your response. These past few months have been difficult through trials and tribulations. This time around though I CHOSE GOD instead of other things I used to do to ease my pain or stress and struggles. And I tell you with tears in my eyes these past couple of months I have experienced such an intimate relationship with God that I can’t even put it into words. Then I was led to read this article and your response stood out to me and has uplifted me to hold on another day and to be encouraged. Thank God and thank you. Be blessed.

  3. Rachelle Hall said:

    Being radical is spending time with the Lord and doing what he tells you to do , and to be where he called you to be , and to walk in the authority, power and dominion and might that’s already invested in you by Jesus when you got born again, to grow up in Jesus and live for him seeking him and him alone . When he speaks to you do not add anything to it and do not leave off any words . He’s words will have the impact that it’s supposed to . Once his words are out of you mouth , leave when he says for you to leave . Now your part is done until he gives you your next assignment. That’s being radical for Jesus. You do whatever he says for you to do do it, with no delay.

  4. Thank you. I’m in awe how God responds to my questions. I have just gained some more knowledge because of your response. God bless you 🙏🏾

  5. Ephiigenia Selma Darkoaa Amponsah said:

    To be sincere to myself l have learnt a lot here especially on radical giving and l really love it and l pray to God through Jesus Christ my Brother that l will be blessed here with more understanding in His words. Thank You Jesus and thank you so much in Jesus Christ mighty name amen 🔥

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