Follow Me
Recently the AUC (Australian Union Conference) ran its first ever short film competition, called Follow Me. Contributors where challenged to create a short film (3-5 minutes long) that depicted the way they viewed their Christian faith.
The ‘competition’ was intended to give young Australian aspiring filmmakers in our church an opportunity to display their creative talents without stringent dictation.
Submissions could be from any genre but they had to be faith-based and had to address how or why being a child of God makes life more fulfilling. Entries also had to reflect aspects of our church, through dialogue, caption, image or otherwise.
We are please to announce the following as our short film Follow Me competition winners!!! Congratulations!!!
The prizes on offer where such that would further encourage our young film makers to view their talents and craft as a powerful ministry tool, one that contributes to the building of a thriving disciple making movement.
1st Place: Lucy Geelan
PRIZE: All expenses paid trip to follow in the footsteps of the early church, travelling to Jerusalem, Patmos or Galilee, filming for Hope Channel Australia.
2nd Place: Kyle Morrison
PRIZE: All expenses paid trip to an ADRA-funded project in the South Pacific, filming for Hope Channel Australia.
3rd Place: Robbie Fatt
PRIZE: All expenses paid trip to an amazing faith project within Australia, filming for Hope Channel Australia.
Honourable Mention!!!
The short film, ‘Fight The Good Fight’ submitted by Penford Feo deserves an honourable mention. The committee reviewing all entries agreed that this submission was very clever and they appreciated the work Penford had put into his film.
The AUC would like to sincerely thank ALL entrants for their submissions and would encourage them to continue working on sharing messages of faith through the use of their unique God-given talents.

All expenses paid trip to follow in the footsteps of the early church, travelling to Jerusalem, Patmos or Galilee, filming for Hope Channel Australia.
Lucy Geelan
All expenses paid trip to an ADRA-funded project in the South Pacific, filming for Hope Channel Australia.
Kyle Morrison
All expenses paid trip to an amazing faith project within Australia, filming for Hope Channel Australia.
Robbie Fatt