Special Offering Promotional Video and Bulletin Inserts.
These resources are designed for your local conferences and churches to use in your bulletins.
Share them during services to explain the purpose of today’s offering and to convey a spiritual message about worship through giving.

Upcoming Special Offerings.

10 AUGUST 2024

Media Evangelism

Dear Treasurer/Bulletin Secretary,
Your assistance with publicising the upcoming Media Evangelism Offering on the 10th of August 2024, is truly appreciated.

Please insert the following announcement and video into your church bulletin.


Media Evangelism Offering – 10 August 2024

Tokelau, a beautiful and small Pacific Island community, is one of the last unentered territories within our South Pacific Division. We now have a unique opportunity to bring the Adventist message to the people of Tokelau through Hope Channel. This initiative will offer the community access to our message in a way that has never been possible before. Your generous offering can make this a reality.

Moreover, your support will help foster local media efforts by creating programs in local languages throughout the Pacific, enriching the spiritual lives of many more people.


20 JULY 2024

Union Global Partnership

Union Partnership Global - 2024


Dear Treasurer/Bulletin Secretary,

We deeply appreciate your assistance in publicizing the upcoming Union Global Partnership Project on 20 July 2024. Please include the following announcement in your church bulletin:

Special Offering Announcement

On Sabbath, 20 July, we will have a special offering for the Union Global Partnership Project of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Australia. This offering will support training and education for the South-eastern Asian Union Mission, focusing on schools and centers of influence in Laos, Thailand, and Timor Leste.

Your offering on 20 July 2024 will empower these areas to continue growing God’s kingdom.

Thank you for generously supporting the Australian Union Partnership with the churches of the Southeastern Asian Union Mission.


6 JULY 2024

World Mission Budget

Digital Strategy For Mission

People look to Google and social media to find answers to their spiritual questions. We need to create engaging digital avenues so that people can find the truth, whenever they seek it, wherever they seek it.

Your church offering on 6 July will be used for the Digital Strategy For Mission which will invest in innovative digital strategies to accelerate the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to reach the world for Christ. The selected digital mission projects will facilitate the seeker’s journey from contact to conversion and from decision to disciple, integrating a strong element of personal contact.

Thank you for your generous support of the world mission.

World Mission Budget A4 brochure


8 JUNE 2024

Avondale University Offering

Bulletin Announcement – 8 June, 2024

Let’s make more room for student worship: Avondale Offering today

Remember the Chapel in College Hall? Your gift will ensure this space can support our growing student worship programs. Equip the Chapel as the spiritual centre on campus by donating to the Avondale Offering today. Please give in church or online at  www.avondale.edu.au/giving.   (Donations above $2 give you a tax deduction in Australia).

Thank you.

Please read the following pulpit appeal to the congregation before collecting the church service offering on Sabbath, June 8.

It’s now time to worship God through the returning of our tithe and giving of an offering. This week’s offering is for Avondale University.

Worship programs at Avondale are growing. With more students on campus, and more attending, they need help to make more room. Your gift to the Avondale Offering today will help to equip the Chapel in College Hall as the spiritual centre of campus and provide a much-needed larger venue for student worship. Thank you for giving generously today.


1 JUNE 2024

Avondale University Offering

Bulletin Announcement – 1 June, 2024

Let’s make more room for student worship at Avondale.

Worship programs at Avondale are growing. With more students on campus, and more attending, we need help to make more room. Your gift to the Avondale Offering (June 8) will equip the Chapel in College Hall as the spiritual centre of campus and provide a much-needed larger venue for student worship. Please give in church next week, via eGiving or online today at  www.avondale.edu.au/giving  (Donations above $2 give you a tax deduction in Australia).

Thank you.


18  MAY 2024


Bulletin Announcement – 18 May, 2024

There’s a wave of health, healing and hope rising across the South Pacific.

Hundreds of new local church Wellness Hubs, expansion of the 10,000 Toes Ambassadors campaign against diabetes, and the new Lifestyle Medicine Centre at the Sydney Adventist Hospital are just a few of the ways that the Seventh-day Adventist Church is bringing hope and healing to our communities.

Please become a partner of the health promotions network by giving generously to the Comprehensive Health Offering on 18 May.

For more Health Week offering resources, please click here.

4  MAY 2024

The Record


Bulletin Announcement – 4 May, 2024

Adventist Record produces a magazine, podcasts, social media posts, a weekly email and all sorts of other things to help you stay informed about what is happening in the Adventist Church in the South Pacific. This Sabbath, May 4, is the Record offering. Communicating with our family is so important.

The South Pacific Division pays for Adventist Record so we can all stay in contact. This offering, once a year, is your opportunity to show your appreciation or to pay it forward so others can continue to stay informed.  Your offering this week will help you:  Stay in the know, with Adventist Record.

AU & NZ VIDEOS: Please note that there are different videos for AU and NZ.
Download the right one for your territory at:

AU: https://vimeo.com/936146871

NZ: https://vimeo.com/936147243

The Bulletin/Newsletter/Pulpit Announcement is on the web page, https://stewardship.adventistchurch.com/offerings-aunz/.


9 MARCH 2024


Adventist World Radio

To the Bulletin Coordinator

Thank you for what you do! You may think you’re just placing these announcements in your bulletin, but thanks to your help in spreading the word about the ministry of AWR, lives will be changed.

Please feel free to edit these announcements or combine them. You may also create a bulletin insert by using the master sheet included in this packet.

Bulletin Announcement 1 – March 2, 2024

Imagine learning about God and the Adventist Church through a message in a bottle! This is exactly what happened to a man in the Middle East.

Don’t miss this and many other incredible stories next week during Adventist World Radio’s annual offering on March 9.

Bulletin Announcement 2 – 9 March, 2024

From 1,530 meetings across Europe . . . to the front lines of Ukraine . . . to the airwaves of the West Bank, you can’t miss today’s thrilling updates during the Adventist World Radio Annual Offering.

God is using AWR’s many broadcasts and platforms to reach people previously deemed “impossible to reach.” Today we invite you to partner with AWR in this vital ministry.

Offerings AUNZ – Stewardship (adventistchurch.com)


10 FEBRUARY 2024


Floods, cyclones, earthquakes and conflict devastate millions of lives every year. In the blink of an eye, every day people have their lives turned upside down, and the need for support is immediate.

ADRA’s Disaster and Famine Relief Offering is on February 10. These funds will help ensure ADRA is Always Ready and Always There to help people in their time of need. You can also give online now at adra.org.au/respond.

Bulletin Announcement

SOCIAL MEDIA: Social media tiles can be downloaded from  https://stewardship.adventistchurch.com/offerings-aunz/.


20 January 2024

Christian Services for the Blind & Hearing Impaired

Christian Services for the Blind and hearing-impaired helps provide accessibility to God’s Word. Your past generosity enables us to provide Sabbath School lessons in Braille, large print, audio, and captions along with assistive listening technology for the local church. Your gift furthers our mission of inclusivity. Thank you for your continued support through your offering. (Gifts in Australia are tax-deductible. Simply give to the ‘Blind & Hearing Impaired’ offering on eGiving.)




SOCIAL MEDIA: Social media tiles can be downloaded from https://stewardship.adventistchurch.com/offerings-aunz/

BULLETIN & PULPIT Announcements – CSFBHI Offering – 20 Jan 2024 AUST


2024 Offering Booklets by Conferences

Greater Sydney
Northern Australia
South New South Wales
South Australia