Readings for Church at Home, Zoom Church and Live Webinars to encourage stewardship and giving during the COVID 19 worship changes.

Local Budget Offering Readings


What is the Church? If you were to ask the average person on the street, “What is the church?” they might reply, “It’s a building where Christians meet for worship services.” But we as Christians know that the church is much more than a building – it is a gathering of people, but current restrictions mean that gathering is no longer an option anymore. 1 Peter 2:5 says that we are living stones being built into not a physical but a spiritual building. The Holy Spirit lives inside us. We are literally God’s temple, so while we may not feel like it, though we are separated by distance we are still a part of the body of Christ. The building may be peripheral but the body is not.

There are different types of buildings, and there are different types of building materials. There are foundation stones, and there are windows, and shingles, and many other parts, and in their place they each have a unique function and purpose. Shingles don’t make good windows, and windows don’t make good foundations, but in fulfilling their role they are indispensable. Paul related this in 1 Corinthians 12, using the metaphor of the body, each part with a different, but important role.

What would this building be without all of its valuable parts, and what if you were missing body parts? You would be impaired, less able to function. The same with the Church, which is made up of people. Without everyone doing their part, we are not able to function as we could. And just as an arm or a leg would get weak and atrophy without exercise, so the individual Christian will grow weak without using their gifts.

APPEAL: Today, we have the opportunity to contribute to the body of the Church, our physical buildings maybe closed but our spiritual ministry hasn’t ceased. Each ministry, every volunteer plays an important role in building up our Church. The easiest way to return tithes and offerings during this time is via e-giving, log onto the website or download the app to give to the offering of the day or setup a recurring donation. Alternately, local churches and conferences have online banking options available.

Download Here: Home Church Offering Reading April 18


In a world that is rapidly changing there is something comforting about ritual. Weddings, graduations, funerals, baby dedications and baptisms are ceremonies where we pause and collectively acknowledge significant changes in our life. With new limitations on the way we can meet together, small family rituals are becoming increasingly important for our spiritual growth.

In His wisdom, God setup a weekly collective ritual, a coming together in community for worship. When we worship together we spend time in prayer, we delve deeper into Gods word, we sing songs of praise and we bring our tithes and offerings. Offering was the first element established by God for public worship immediately after the Fall, it points to Jesus, not only as our Provider but also as God’s offering for the world.

Though our movements are restricted these little weekly rituals remind us that God is in control, they help us feel safe and secure, they grow us spiritually and keep us connected to our broader community. More than just a formality or habit, these rituals strengthen our love and deepen our trust of Him. As we give this morning, thank God for supplying all your needs. Ask Him to increase your faith so that you may recognise His provision in all things.

The easiest way to return tithes and offerings during this time is via e-giving, log onto the website or download the app to give to the offering of the day or setup a recurring donation. Alternately, local churches and conferences have online banking options available.

Download Here: Home Church Offering Reading April 4


This season of Church is looking vastly different to what we are used to, but different isn’t always bad. While movement is limited and face to face really means screen to screen the Bible is clear that Church is not found in all the buildings that we’ve had to close. Instead Church consists of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in every individual and now more than ever our community, our nation, our world needs to hear a message of hope.

As our day to day life becomes more restricted, be reminded that true freedom is in Christ alone. As our health may be suffering be reminded that God is our creator, the sustainer of life. As we navigate the future and the economic uncertainty, be reminded that our God is sovereign, He who knows beginning from the end. Let’s remember that though it may feel like chaos reigns, our mighty King is the one who sits on the throne. As we return our tithes and offerings we acknowledge that God is the one who is control, we are reminded that in him we have our origins, we have strength to live in the present and we have hope for the future.

The easiest way to return tithes and offerings during this time is via e-giving, log onto the website or download the app to give to the offering of the day or setup a recurring donation. Alternately, local churches and conferences have online banking options available.