The film "Hopeful" offers a cinematic exploration of the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church during the Second Great Awakening. This plan aims to leverage the movie as a tool for outreach by local churches, encouraging them to host viewing events that bring together family, friends, and neighbours. The plan incorporates elements of social interaction, such as a dinner event, and strategies for both pre-screening preparation and post-viewing engagement.

The Hopeful Movie

– Educate & Engage**: Use “Hopeful” to connect with non-members.
– Strengthen Bonds**: Share social and spiritual experiences within the community.
– Foster Discussions**: Encourage conversations leading to deeper understanding and potential conversions.

Target Audience:
– Church members
– Their family and friends
– Local community members and neighbors

Pre-Screening Preparation:

1. Leader Preparation:
– Private Screenings – For leaders to familiarize with the movie, followed by an interview with Director Kyle Protbury.
– Training Workshops – Equip members with skills for inviting and engaging guests, highlighting the role of personal relationships.

2. Promotional Activities:
– Personal Invitations – Encourage members to invite their circle using provided cards and templates.
– Community Advertising – Use bulletins, boards, and social media to promote the event.

3. Viewing Experience:
– Dinner and Movie Night – Host a dinner before the screening to create a relaxed and inviting atmosphere.

4. Post-Viewing Engagement
Guided Discussions:
– Reflect on the movie’s themes in a casual setting.
– Distribute SIGNS magazine with additional resources and subscription info.

5. Feedback Collection:
– Use QR codes for feedback and interest in further learning.

6. Follow-Up Strategy:
– Visits & Contacts – Follow up with interested guests through visits, calls, or Bible studies.
– Engagement Activities – Organize related events and include guests in newsletters and outreach programs.

7. Evaluation:
– Regularly review and adjust the outreach approach based on feedback to improve future efforts.

This plan leverages “Hopeful” to build bridges between the church and the community, fostering shared experiences and spiritual growth. With welcoming events and effective follow-ups, the church can enhance its outreach and potentially grow its membership.

Conferences and churches can pre-order The Hopeful sharing edition directly at  by selecting the order via the conference button and adding their local church name.

Coming to Cinemas in Australia & New Zealand.